Welcome To “Stuff and Things”
I’m Nic
I don’t know how you found your way here, but I’m glad that you did and hope you find value. I don’t have a posting schedule, but if you want to be notified when I do send an email or make a post, hit the subscribe button below.
Who Am I?
A hopelessly curious dude that likes to write about my experience(s) in hopes that it’s helpful to others. I like to talk about my dogs and dislike talking about myself, so these sections are always weird for me. I’m just going to copy and paste what some others have said.
“Every once in a while, someone shows up in my life that I describe to my wife as having a ‘bent frame.’ They’re tweaked. The mental math they use to mani- fest possibility and solve dilemmas is different. Unorthodox methods and unshakeable certainty about what can be achieved are their trademarks. What they touch turns to gold. Nic Peterson has a ‘bent frame.’
- Dr. Jeff Spencer, Olympic Medalist, Performance and Mindset Coach for 9 Tour De France Victories
“Selfless, go-giving, ambitious, smart and loving are just a few words for Nic. In business and in life, Nic is one of the best men I know. He has stood with me through my successes and near death. I can’t speak highly enough of Nic. If you have the opportunity to work with him, learn from him or be his friend, I say go all in—because he certainly will!”
- John Rowley, bestselling author, Clickbank board member and fitness and lifestyle master
What Do I Write About?
Most of the stuff I write about could be considered another version or and extension of my book, Bumpers. Here’s an excerpt from Bumpers:
“Most prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of uncertainty”
-Virginia Satir
The Devil You Know
Imagine you're in a miserable relationship.Now imagine that there are two doors before you. Behind door number one is a five percent chance of being happier, behind door number two is the life you already know.
Your choices are between a five percent chance of being happier or a zero percent chance of being happier. Which do you choose?
In theory, door one is the obvious answer. In reality, most people will choose door two because we prefer what is familiar, even if it's they know it’s harmful to us. The misery we know now is less frightening than the uncertainty of the unknown.
We see this when our friends stay in bad relationships or horrible jobs. The fact that many of our friends are still our friends is proof that we hold onto what we know, even if it doesn’t serve us.It’s true even in our daily interactions. Next time someone asks you what you do, tell them something they can’t easily understand and watch them squirm.
My favorite description of what I do is either:
"I help smart people get out of their own way"
"I collect smart people by making them a lot of money"
These are my favorite responses because the reaction to them tells me a lot about the other party.
I would guess that about ninety-six percent of people try to exit the conversation as soon as possible. The misery of uncertainty. They don’t even want to have conversation with someone they can’t quickly make sense of. The other four percent, open-minded and driven by curiosity, want to know more. I do this because it’s more important to me to quickly identify that four percent than it is for someone else to know what I do. That four percent makes for the most interest conversation, anyway. They are curiosity-driven, they are open to the unknown, and they all end up asking the same question.
A version of "How do you do so many things in so many industries?".
The answer is I've discovered a way to
Learn Stuff and Get Paid A Lot
To Do It.
By helping smart people get out of their own way.
That’s what my book is about, and that’s what I write about.
…helping smart people get out of their own way.
You’re probably a smart person, so here’s what to expect:
I probably won’t tell you anything you don’t already know.
It will be most wrapped in the context of business - because I am in the middle of growing my own companies and because getting a business owner out of their own way is extremely profitable for them.
Even though something is wrapped in the context of business, it’s probably not a business thing. In my experience, most things are human things.
Most of the stuff that I write or talk about falls under the umbrella of what I call: DALA.
DALA stays for: “Directions for Acting Like an Adult” or “Don’t Act Like an Asshole” - whichever you prefer. “Acting Like an Asshole” is behaving in a way that get you further away from what you say you want. It has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks about you - especially me. If you’re doing things that get you further away from what you want, you’re being an a-hole to yourself.
If you haven’t read my book, I would start there.
I don’t make any money off of it because I set the price as low as Amazon would allow to me. I think I’ve made about 11 cents in royalties from books sales. You can buy it from Amazon here.
You can see a directory of other stuff right and more rabbit holes to go down right here
How To Work Together
Honestly, your best bet is to consume and implement the free stuff or catch me at an event. You can see our event schedule here.
I hang out with Guardians of the Guardian Academy every Monday on Zoom and 4-6 times a year at my office. If you fill out an application, I’ll probably reach out to you personally.
Most of my old marketing, sales and business development stuff is posted in the Guardian Marketing publication here. You’ll find Stealth Influence, R3: Retention, Referrals and Raving Fans, Allegiance Capital and more. At the time of writing this, I still teach everything above in The Success Circle Mastermind.
These are the resources I reference the most often.
Bumpers (My book)
Force Multipliers and AI newsletter curated for what I am most likely to want to read and never find on my own.
The Gray Wolf is where I write about what I learn from Grandmaster Mike Leone on the journey to becoming a… Gray Wolf.
The Guardian Academy. The Guardian Academy is built to be a home of sound principles to help people like step into their own potential. At the time, I am not doing most of the writing - they have far better writers, now.
Join the crew
Be part of a community of people who share your interests. I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t spent much time on the community features here yet. But I’m told they’re great.
Update: we are testing the community features and functionality of Substack over at the Guardian Academy, check it out if you want to follow along.
So push the button. Or don’t push the button. I support you either way.