I’m Nic
I don’t know why you’re here, but I’m glad you are.
This is a living, breathing document. I'll do my best to update it for you when things change or new opportunities arise. You can bookmark it and check back whenever you are looking for something specific.
First things first:
I don't have a posting schedule and some of my stuff can be hard to find. It drives some people nuts.
I've heard it a thousand times:
"You need to make no-brainer offers. It needs to be easy to find otherwise people get distracted and you lose them"
I get it.
I also don't want partners, clients, or readers that have no brains and are easily distracted. It's a personal preference.
To each their own.
If it's not worth taking the time to navigate, I don't deserve your attention. And that's okay.
Some of my content will be structured, most of it will seem random. It's just a reflection of my life.
I am a doer first, an educator second.
And since life doesn’t happen in a straight line, neither does the stuff that I share.
My process is as follows:
Do stuff
Reflect on the outcome
Share stuff
Repeat with different behavior based on what step 2
Below are some rabbit holes for you to explore.
The Rabbit Holes:
“People think it’s all different stuff - but it’s not. It’s the same stuff over and over again. The language changes - each industry or domain has its own lingo - but fundamental it’s the same problems and the same patterns.”
- Something I said once or twice
The foundation of everything I do is laid out in my book.
The Book
The best place to start is probably by grabbing a copy of my book, Bumpers. It’s short, actionable and you’ll know after reading reading it whether our values are aligned. I believe it’s best to have a physical copy, so I set it as low as Amazon would allow.
If you read it, you’ll start see the patterns in all of my stuff.
The Letter
The Letter is a direct mail newsletter sent monthly by me and Lukas Resheske. It’s certainly not for everyone, but it’s my best stuff sent to your mailbox every month where it can be read, studied and implemented without the distraction of all the internet things. Between you and I, the Letter that comes every month is not even the most valuable part of being a subscriber. IYKYK.
Learn more about The Letter here
The Academy
The Guardian Academy is like an Academy of first-principles. How does one go into many different industries or domains and “figure it out”? By reasoning from sound principles. The Guardian Academy is built to help extraordinary leaders unleash their extraordinary-ness.
The Philosophy and Principles can be found in the Guardian Academy. Most of the Guardian Content is written by people that are far better writers than me.
The strategies, tactics and tools derived from TGA principles and applied to…
If you like marketing, sales and business development stuff check out Man Bites Dog.
If you’re into health, wellness or looking good naked, check out Commandment One.
The highest tier of the Guardian Academy is creatively called “Guardian”. It’s direct access to me, our team, partners and other Guardians. We enroll a max of five new Guardians a month.
You can see the details and event dates for Guardian here.
The Den
The Wolf Den is our Web3 world. It’s the web3, experience, art and culture arm of the Guardian Academy. We do ridiculous things, on a random schedule, because we can. To get the most out of the Wolf Den, you’ll want to be looped into the Guardian Academy.
Rabbit Holes: Stuff I Like To Do and Stuff I Like To Read
The Path (The Gray Wolf)
I have a grandmaster. Weird, eh?
We breathe together 4 days a week. I am mastering 16 handheld weapons (13 straight weapons like a katana and 3 flexible weapons), 3 firearms and multiple martial arts. We also work on movement, Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Most importantly, we frequently climb intimidating and beautiful mountains. It’s all a process to break the delusion and begin to see the nature of reality.
Learn about the Gray Wolf here.
Although I write most of the Gray Wolf, it is not my intellectual property, I am just passing along the lessons.
The AI Newsletter
Peter Diamandis and Joe Stolte’s team offer to create an AI newsletter for me. Since I already have one that I write, I asked them to make one I would want to read every week - to find the stuff I would find interesting or useful but likely wouldn’t find on my own.
And they did. It’s called “Force Multipliers” and it’s one of my favorite things to read every week. Read Force Multipliers here
Other Helpful Stuff I Like, Use and Refer To Often:
Dr. Jeff Spencer’s Champions Perfect Day has been a game changer for me.
Subscribe To Success is not my style, but it’s totally my jam. (I would never do it this way, but I LOVE reading to)
What To Do Next:
If you want to work with me directly…
Fill out the application to become a Guardian. I don’t have any sales people, so I’ll see it. Even if you don’t want to be a Guardian, it’s the easiest way to start a convo. Don’t worry, I won’t hard sell you on anything.
If Not…
Subscribe to this newsletter to get my semi-frequent ramblings on the battle between the monkey mind and your best self. If you want to make more money, winning this battle will make you a lot more money. If you want to get in better shape, winning this battle will make it much easier to get in shape and stay in shape.
This newsletter is a collection of the underlying patterns. I am archiving them here so that I can link/refer to them without having to rewrite or copy and paste each time.
I share the same concepts, principles and frameworks we use to scale our companies - believe it or not, the fastest way to scale a business is to silence the monkey mind - to get the people running the business out of their own way.