Months ago, the Guardian Academy1 started something new. I would explain it, but they already did:
Future Guardian,
This month, we are starting something new. We picked it up from Jame Clear. He sends an email every Thursday called the 3-2-1 newsletter. This is how he describes it:
Each message includes 3 short ideas from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder.
We think it’s an excellent idea.
So we are going to model it, but with twist. The Guardian Academy 3-2-1 will be monthly and the structure will be 3 from me, 2 things new and 1 thing fun.
Three me, two new, one fun.
The three from me will likely come from conversations happening in the Guardian tier, the two new is self evident - it’s new stuff - and one for fun will often be something another Guardian Academy member is doing that we find interesting, entertaining and…uh…fun.
It’s a slight twist on a simple, effective model.
I’m going to add another twist.
Each 3-2-1 from me is going to have an underpinning topic and include 3 short ideas from me, 2 quotes from others and 1 question to journal on.
In Honor of the the Letter selling out two months in a row, October’s 3-2-1 Topic…
Values, Velocity, Vibes & Diffusion
3 From Me
Here’s the summary:
If you want to become your best self, live your best life and do both without compromising who you are you must start with:
Values to guide you. These are yours and yours alone. You must stay clear on them, be open to them changing over time, more on that shortly.
Velocity. Speed does more harm than good if you are moving fast in the wrong direction. Values give you direction, but you must maintain the systems, heuristics and filters to maintain it as you move through life.
Vibes. This is cultivating and maintaining a high level of receptivity to the world around you. Training yourself to stress test and ultimately trust your “gut” instinct. Vibes will dictate your values which will dictate your direction.
Of course, there are strategies, tactics and tools to aid each step, driving up the probability you get what you want and driving down the risk of failure…
…but if you’re unclear on your Values, can’t maintain Velocity or tap into Vibes - the tools won’t help you at all.
Lukas will be sharing one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever seen - a filter or compass of sorts - to systematically determine the most efficient course of action for you in a forthcoming issue of the Letter.
I’ve seen him present it, I can’t wait to read it.
Innovation does not get adopted. Information does. Ideas, concepts and principles get adopted as they become information (they close the gap of uncertainty instead of widening it). They become information as they get reinvented by others, often in unexpected ways.
One of the best decisions I have made recently is unleash some of my students, partners and clients as writers for the Letter and the Guardian Academy. They have taken my core concepts, principle and ideas and made them more powerful and palatable.
Plus, I enjoy reading them.
This one, by Joseph Robertson, for example:
Grandmaster Mike Leone says being born/living life is like walking into Home Depot.
You go to Home Depot for a specific reason; a purpose. As soon as you step foot in the door, you get distracted by everything around you and forget your purpose for being there, in the first place.
Life is similar.
We forget what we are here for, matter really matters and, most tragically, who we really are.
The most efficient path forward is rarely a process of addition, but a process of removing the things that do not matter, the things that are not you. It’s a process of playing your game, your way.
Another hat tip to Joseph for this gem:
2 Quotes From Others
If you're going through the exercise, don't worry about what you're trying to create from it. Just weed the garden, and observe what's growing there already.
- Joseph Robertson
“The definition of Velocity is Speed*Direction. It’s not enough just to go fast. You don’t want to be going fast in the wrong direction. You don’t want to be going 100mph if you’re driving in a circle. You don’t want to be redlining the engine if your foot is on the brake.
- Lukas Resheske
1 To Journal On
Look back.
Using the science of hindsight, ask yourself how aligned your espoused values (the things you say you value) are with your values in action (the things your behavior suggests you value)?
Do you say you want to spend more time with your kids and then stay at the office late and on weekends?
Do you say that your number one priority it to pay off your debts and then go on to buy one things or acquire more debt?
Are you getting closer to what matters most (velocity) or just moving fast to keep busy and “feel progress” (speed)?
How receptive are you to the world around you? Do you stick dogmatically to outdated plans or do you adjust when new information becomes available?
If there is a gap between your espoused values and values in action, you will always be at war with yourself.
If you’re measuring speed without the vector component (direction) you will likely be wasting resources, spending time going really fast in the wrong direction.
If you’re dogmatic and rigid with your expectations, reality will (continue to) fail to meet them.
Remember, when you journal: There is no right or wrong answer. You don’t have to share it with anyone. Don’t make the mistake of using your journal or reflection time to validate or confirm your existing biases. Use it instead to chip away at the delusion.
Getting started is the most difficult part, but once the armor is cracked, once it’s compromised, breaking free becomes much easier.
PS. I’ve been writing more than ever lately, just not posting. Most of it is reserved to make the Letter the best damn thing you get in the mail every month - and, it’s distraction free.
Learn more about the letter here:
PPS. Bumpers workshops2 are on the first Monday of every month. Hope to see you there